Plan of action
Staffing Solutions
Primary Care Management Solutions have an excellent track record and extensive experience in all aspects of human resources and employment. Below is a brief list of some of the areas where we can help you and your organisation.
“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait till you hire an amatuer.” – Red Addair
Turnover in staff can be very stressful on any organisation, whilst most organisations aim to have a good ratio of staff retention there is inevitably a natural level of turnover that occurs. Whether due to retirement, redundancy, dismissal or positive influences such as growth, organisations need to recruit and the recruitment process can prove to be an extremely costly process if not handled correctly.
There is now an even greater requirement to ensure full adherence to the various compliancy checks to be considered when recruiting new employee’s into your organisation. PCMS can help you throughout all stages of the recruitment process, from advertising your vacancy, undertaking the necessary compliancy checks, vetting and interviewing candidates, preparing job descriptions and person specifications, obtaining and checking references etc.
Away Day and Team Building Exercises
Workforce Planning
Disciplinary, Grievance Procedures
Temporary Staffing
Flexible Working Requests
With the various increase in employee rights over the past decade, one area that most small organisations have not adequately understood is ‘flexible working’ arrangements and the employee’s right to request flexible working and the employers responsibility to show that due consideration has been given to any requests. PCMS can work with your organisation to implement robust processes to ensure that your organisation knows how to deal with flexible working requests.
Contracts of employment or rather lack of them is one of the main contributing factors in tribunal cases. The necessity to ensure all employees are issued with contracts of employment that are compliant with the latest legislation cannot be emphasised enough. If you are unsure and would like to speak to someone regarding any questions you may have around employee contracts then do not hesitate, give us a call today.
Permanent Staffing
Every organisations best asset is its people and the value of a cohesive and productive workforce cannot be underestimated. At PCMS Ltd we can help you to find the right person to fill vacancies within your organisation. We possess an extensive bank of temporary personnel who we have vetted using our stringent criteria and robust policies, the readiness of our bank staff can help your organisation temporarily fill the void left by a vacancy until a permanent placement can be found.
Even though organisations will ensure a suitable probationary process when employing new staff, it is usually only after this period has elapsed are troubles noted. It is our experience that it can be useful to first assess the suitability of an applicant by having them work in your organisation on a temporary basis, if things do not work out then there is no liability on either party should they wish to part company. Feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements; we have many years’ experience in finding permanent placements for our clients.
Performance Management
Humans unlike computers and inanimate objects do not fit into neat little boxes, inevitably at some point or another, thing do and will go wrong and this can have an impact on employee performance. Most employers with good processes in place will usually identify such situations and take appropriate action to remedy the situation. There is also a responsibility on the employee to notify their line manager if there is any problem. In the event these situations are not identified, they can have an untoward impact on performance affecting the business.
Organisations should have a framework in place to identify and address any performance issues. PCMS Ltd have over the years developed robust systems to identify issues with employee performance Identification is the first step in what can be a long process, however the longer term effects of not adequately addressing performance issues especially in healthcare can be detrimental.
If you are concerned with the performance of certain departments or individuals within your organisation contact us today so that we can discuss your requirements further.
We can provide expert facilitation for meetings and away days or to help plan strategic objectives for your organisation. Sometimes it can be of immense benefit to have an external person to facilitate meetings and other activities as they often provide a fresh pair of eyes and can advise without prejudice external to any interwork place dynamics that may exist. Read some of our facilitation success stories on our projects page.
Head Hunting
To complement the permanent recruitment solutions we provide, we also specialise in head hunting. Unlike the more basic permanent recruitment service whereby a series of candidates maybe proposed for a particular role. We will undertake extensive research to find a specific candidate or candidates for a specific role ensuring only the highest calibre of applicants for your organisations requirements.
We have our own portfolio of specialist candidates for a variety of primary care roles available at short notice, or contact us to discuss your requirements and we can begin the search to find you the best person for your vacancy. Read some of our success stories following our permanent placements on our projects page.
Reach Our Expert Team
08444 781 444