Solutions we provide
Resilience Support
PCMS have been providing resilience support to practices since the NHS introduced the General Practice Resilience Programme in 2016 as part of the General Practice Forward View (GPFV). The NHS have committed £40m over a four-year period to enable practices to embed resilience into their everyday operational outputs.
PCMS understand the issues affecting general practice and are able to provide the necessary level of support to practices to enable collaborative working, economies of scale and most importantly, sustainability. Our consultants work closely with practice staff, helping practices achieve their strategic aim, guiding them from where they are now, to where they want to be in the future.
Diagnostic Consultancy
Our diagnostic consultancy is a three-step process which enables our consultants to understand the needs of the pracitce and identify achievable solutions. Initially our consultant will meet with the client to discuss the areas they think support is required, gaining an understanding of the practice. The second-step is where the consultant will spend some time on-site (usually one day) conducting a detailed scoping visit, understanding the processes within the practice, meeting with staff gaining an in-depth insight into the day to day activities of the practice. Step three is the final step, a summary report is written, illustrating actions required to enhance practice productivity.
Rapid Intervention
We understand the need to provide on-site support to practices who are experiencing issues which have arisen due to factors from both the macro and micro environments. There are multiple reasons why practices may find themselves struggling to cope with the everyday demands of general pracitce and failure to take action can have significant consequences. Our team of experienced consultants embed themselves into practices and work alongside existing team members, providing expert advice, addressing any areas of immediate concern thereby ensuring a safe and effective service is offered to the entitled population.
Business Planning
Business planning is a process of outlining the goals of the practice and mapping out how those goals are going to be achieved. There are many elements associated with a business plan, all of which require significant consideration if the plan is to be effective. PCMS can support practice management teams in producing comprehensive business plans which will support the practice in achieving their overall strategic aim.
Specialist Support
Specialist support encompasses human resources management (HRM), information technology (IT), finance, merger guidance, partnership agreements and much more. With a diverse and experienced team at hand, PCMS are able to provide practices with the necessary level of support to help them understand some of the more complex issues surrounding general practice, enabling the practice to focus on their primary aim of providing effective patient care.
Organisational and Workforce Redesign
In an ever-changing environment, practices will need to ensure their organisational structure and workforce meet the needs of the practice. Our consultants review the structure, procedures and systems within the practice, ensuring they are aligned to the overall aims of the practice, supporting teams identify and implement development plans to deliver an optimal service.
Change Management
No matter how small or big the change may be, if it is not implemented correctly, the consequences can be significant. We support practices through the change process, helping them understand the need for change, how to communicate change effectively and how to introduce change to enhance practice performance. PCMS provide support in change which ranges from the introduction of new IT systems to collaborative working across multiple sites.
Reach Our Expert Team
We are General Practice specialists and currently manage and provide managerial support to several GP practices and CCGs. This provides us with firsthand insight of what is required to effectively run and manage a harmonious and thriving organisation.
08444 781 444