Plan of action
Commissioning and Provider Solutions
Practice Care Taking (Including Prior to and Following Take Over)
Procurement & Tendering Advice and Support / Bid Writing Services / Procurement Law
Procurement is the process through which public service and the NHS obtain goods and services from third party suppliers. Since the inception of APMS contracts in 2004, general practice has seen a stark increase in the range of alternative providers of medical services and this now appears to be the sole route of commissioning new services within general practice.
Are you an existing provider who is interested in bidding for services or are you an existing provider with a portfolio of service, PCMS Ltd have experience in procurement and tendering; we have a 100% success rate of reaching ITT stage and welcome the opportunity to work with your organisation, contact us today to discuss your requirements and see where we can help you and your organisation.
Provider Support / Service Provision
Service Design
Service Level Agreements
Service Level Agreements
Reach Our Expert Team
08444 781 444